San Francisco County







PROF. A. HERBST, Principal of the Cosmopolitan Grammar School, is a native of Germany, and had all the advantages of as thorough educational training as could be given in the various schools of that country up to and including a full course in the university.  His study of the various sciences was extended, and in the study of languages other than his own his proficiency was marked.

      After graduating with the highest honors, Prof. Herbst was offered the position of tutor in a private family, and contracted an engagement to leave his native city (Frankfort-on-the-Main) and go to Australia.  This was in full accord with his ambition, as it would enable him to revise his university course while enjoying a sojourn amid new and interesting scenes, and becoming habituated to the practical use of one of the languages, to the acquirement of which he had devoted much time and attention.  Besides his duties as tutor, Prof. Herbst filled various educational positions in Australia for some years.  In 1868 he came to this city, and for twenty-two years has been closely identified with educational advancement in San Francisco, and receiving promotion, step by step, until he is now principal of the Cosmopolitan Grammar School, with twenty teachers, and 1,126 pupils under him.  This is probably the largest and most important school in the city, and is one of the only two schools in San Francisco in which the German and French languages are taught.

      It is needless to say that Prof. Herbst is deeply interested in all that concerns his chosen profession.  With an ardent desire for learning, for learning’s own sake, he pursues the attainment of knowledge with avidity but, possessing excellent health, the arduous duties of his vocation do not wear upon him.  Too often promising educators lack the constitutional ability to withstand the mental strain, and have to secure vacations for recuperation.  Prof. Herbst is more fortunate than these, and the educational interests of San Francisco are doubly fortunate that he is so.  Notwithstanding his long and varied experiences, he is still a young man, and may confidently anticipate many years of professional success.

      Prof. Herbst is a notably accomplished musician, and is a great favorite in the various musical societies with which he is prominently connected.  He is also an honored member of several fraternal orders, and is very popular in all to which he belongs.


Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 352-353, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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