San Francisco County





C. H. HEININGER, who has been engaged in handling and manufacturing pipes and canes and publishing view albums, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 28, 1857. At the age of twelve years, after securing a limited education, he began work in manufactories similar to that of which he is now proprietor, and at the age of eighteen years he began traveling through the Southern and Western States in the interests of Philadelphia manufacturers. In 1881 he came to San Francisco, and established his present business, first locating at 609 Sacramento street; in 1886 he moved to 411 and 413 California street, where he remained until September 1, 1891, when he located at his present place, 22 Sansome street, near Market. Here he makes canes from imported and native woods, pipes, smoking articles, jewelry from native shells and view albums of pacific coast scenery and cities. Mr. Heininger makes a specialty of canes and fancy articles from native woods, big tree bark and native shells. His business is entirely wholesale, and is the representative house on the coast.

He was married in Philadelphia, in 1888, to Miss Theresa A. Logan, and they have two children: Kate and Clara L. Mr. Heininger is a member of the Young Men’s Institute and Mechanics’ Institute.

[1890 San Francisco City Directory page 622, lists his middle initial “P”….npm]







EMIL DEPIERRE has been prominently identified with the architectural and building interests of San Francisco for the past fifteen years. He is a native of France, and was born in 1844. He completed his education in his native country and studied his profession there, graduating at the Academy of Design. After completing a thorough course he engaged in the practice of his profession. He came to the United States in 1875, and the same year to the pacific coast, locating in this city, and immediately identified himself with designing and building, and since then has built up a successful business. He was associated with William Mooser for nine years; the well-known firm of Mooser & Depierre did a large business. Among the many fine buildings and residences designed and erected by him are the large block of six flats at the corner of Octavia and Fulton streets, at a cost of $20,000, the fine residence of M. McDonald on Ashbury street, $15,000, the beautiful residence of Eugene Avy at Menlo Park, costing $20,000, and many others.



Transcribed by 9-4-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 334, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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