San Francisco County












      HEGLER & JOHNSON occupy a prominent position in the wholesale dairy produce business of San Francisco. The establishment was founded in 1858 by E. S. Moulton & Co., and in 1877 Mr. Hegler became a member of the firm. Mr. Moulton died in 1882, and the firm was changed to J. H. Hegler & Co. Mr. Hegler conducted the business until 1885, when Mr. Johnson purchased  half interest in the same since which time the style of the firm has been Hegler & Johnson. They do a large wholesale commission and dairy produce business, and make a specialty of fine creamery cheese, their patronage extending throughout the state.

      John H. Hegler is a native of California, born in Sonoma County in 1847; he is the son of Henry Hegler, a native of Germany, who was a ship Carpenter by trade; he emigrated to California in 1843 and settled at Bodega; he has the credit of building the first sawmill erected west of the Rocky Mountains. He married Miss Maria Casereg, a native of Monterey California; there were born of this union two sons and a daughter. John H. received his education in a log cabin on his father’s ranch; he was reared to the life of a farmer and was early initiated into the mysteries of dairying. In 1873 he was appointed the agent of the California State Grangers for the sale of dairy produce, and in consequence came to San Francisco; in a year they organized the Granger Business Association, with which he has been constantly connected. He is a member of the Society of California Pioneers, and also a native son of the Golden West, Pacific Parlor, No. 10. He had charge of the finances and collection for the mission Day Celebration, and had the Honor of collecting for that purpose $48,000 the largest sum ever raised on the coast for a similar object. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., and is a director of the Union League Club.

      In 1873 Mr. Hegler was married to Miss. Rose Peters, who was born at Marysville California; they have two sons, natives of the city of San Francisco: Fred A. and Edwin C.

      Mr. Hegler has largely invested in city property; he has a block of flats on Haight Street, which are valuable real estate; he is still interested in farming, and owns a ranch at Bodega and 1,391 acres at Del Norte, where he keeps 250 cows, and is making large quantities of gilt-edge butter. His firm was the first to organize the creamery system, and they now have two large creameries nearly completed, one n Carson Valley and one in Marin County. Mr. Hegler is president of the company, and Mr. Johnson is the vice president. They are both men of excellent business qualifications and are a representative firm in their line.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 629, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2007 Kim Buck.


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