San Francisco County








JOHN W. HEERDINK, A.M., M. D., LL. D., Ph. D., is a native of California, and one of the rising Physicians of San Francisco. His father, John W. Heerdink, was a Pioneer of 1849, and a manufacturer of tobacco from the early Pioneer days up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1883. John W. received his primary education in the public schools of San Francisco, having graduated at the high school in 1875. He then entered Santa Clara College, where he was graduated as Bachelor of Arts, after a three year course, in 1879. His next step was in entering the law department of Cornell University, where he graduated in 1881, receiving the degree of Bachelor of laws. On his return to San Francisco he engaged in the study of medicine at the Cooper Medical College, and after the usual course of three years he graduated, in 1884. Dr. Heerdink remained in attendance at the city and county hospital as house surgeon for about one year. His health becoming impaired he made a trip to Europe, where he entered the University of Heidelberg, graduating two years later as Doctor of Medicine. He afterwards took a course in the University of Berlin, receiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Returning to San Francisco he engaged in the practice of medicine, which he has since continued. For one year he occupied the position of Assistant Surgeon of the hospital of the Cooper Medical College, taking part in the clinical lectures of the college and hospital.   



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pg. 596-597, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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San Francisco County


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