San Francisco County









      One of the leading establishments of its kind in the west is the W. B. Hayward Catering Company, situated in its own three-story building at 3210 Geary street in San Francisco, California, and owned by Warren B. Hayward, an acknowledged authority on catering, and who has been engaged in this vocation for over forty years.

      Mr. Hayward was born in Westfield, Massachusetts, on August 30, 1872, and is a son of the late James Franklin and Alice Elizabeth (Fitch) Hayward, the father having been a manufacturer of whips. Both of the parents died in the east. Warren B. Hayward studied in the public schools of his native city, and when fifteen years of age came with his father to California to visit an uncle, Captain Henry Hayward, who was chief officer of the vessel Mariposa. Mr. Hayward was impressed with the opportunities on the western coast and decided to remain, his father then returning to Massachusetts. His first employment was with C. S. Wheeler, who was one of the foremost caterers of San Francisco and situated at Polk and Sutter streets. Mr. Hayward progressed rapidly in the business, his talents having been well adapted to this distinctive profession, and eventually he became a partner, and the firm name was changed to Wheeler & Hayward. This association continued until 1916, in which year Mr. Hayward purchased the interest of his partner, and remained in the same location until 1925. He had acquired property at 3210 Geary street, and on a portion of this site he constructed his modern three-story building for the accommodation of his increasing trade. This building is entirely devoted to the catering business, and contains a most complete and well selected stock to supply the demands of patrons. Mr. Hayward is the sole owner of his establishment, and it is the only complete catering organization west of Chicago. Its reputation has extended throughout the western states. The owner has taken his two sons into the business, where they have the opportunity of learning under his guidance and following along the lines of conduct which have brought such outstanding success.

      On September 21, 1909, Mr. Hayward was united in marriage to Miss Sigrid Cecelia Ohlsson. By a former marriage, he was the father of the two sons mentioned above, Raymond B. and  Edmund L. Raymond B. Hayward is a member of the Native Sons of the Golden West. There are two grandchildren in the family.

      Warren B. Hayward is a thirty-second degree member of the Masonic fraternity, and belongs to the Mystic Shrine and to the Sciots. He was first treasurer of the Order of De Molay in San Francisco, and has been very active in the work of this organization. He is also a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the National Union, and the Geary Street Merchants Association. Of particular interest to him is the welfare of the youth of the city, and he was one of the leaders in organizing the Boy Scouts in San Francisco. He was a member of the first troop. His citizenship has been of the highest order, one instance of which may be mentioned as his loyal and dutiful act during the appalling days of the influenza epidemic in 1918 and 1919. During this period, he closed up his catering business, and devoted his time and that of his employes to the preparation of food for the sufferers from the epidemic. He is fond of travel, has made several trips to Europe, and enjoys motoring.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 206-208.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County