San Francisco County









      Dr. Charles T. Hayden, a physician and surgeon whose ability is bringing him rapidly to the fore in medical circles of San Francisco, was born in Oakland, California, June 3, 1900, and is a son of William Hayden and of English descent. His paternal grandfather was a pioneer of Humboldt county, California, and successfully engaged in the livestock business for several years. He sold a large herd of cattle in San Francisco and while returning home was waylaid, robbed and murdered. His son, William Hayden, was born in Garberville, Humboldt county, but was reared in Contra Costa county, California, and during the ‘80s removed to Oakland, where he has since made his home, devoting his attention to steam engineering. He married Matilda Coates, who was born in London, England, and as a child came to the new world with her parents, who first settled in Victoria, British Columbia. She was married to William Hayden in Oakland, California, and became the mother of eight children, five sons and three daughters.

      Dr. Charles T. Hayden, the second in order of birth, attended the grammar and high schools of his native city and obtained his higher education at the University of California, winning the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1922, the Master of Arts degree in 1923, and that of M. D., in 1926. After his graduation he became an interne of the San Francisco City & County Hospital and was a member of the staff of Highland Hospital for a year. In 1927 he opened an office in San Francisco and a large and steadily growing practice is indicative of the confidence reposed in his knowledge and skill. He is an instructor in the medical staff of Stanford Hospital, and is also serving on the staffs of St. Francis Hospital and Dante Sanatorium.

      Dr. Hayden was married July 26, 1920, in San Jose, California, to Miss Rhoda Perry, a daughter of John and Laura (Roberts) Perry, members of old and prominent families of this state. Dr. and Mrs. Hayden have one child, Rhoda Jean, who was born in Oakland, November 19, 1921, and is attending grammar school. Mrs. Hayden is interested in art and has developed her talents along that line. The Doctor enjoys sailing, swimming, golf and other outdoor sports. In religious belief he is an Episcopalian and his political support is given to the republican party. He belongs to King Solomon Lodge, No. 260, F. & A. M., and has advanced to the eighteenth degree in the Scottish Rite. He also has membership in Oakland Parlor, No. 252, Native Sons of the Golden West; Phi Beta Pi, a medical fraternity; the San Francisco County and California State Medical Societies and the American Medical Association. His home is at 1401 Grove street, San Francisco, and his office is located on the seventh floor of the building at 384 Post street.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 54-55.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County