San Francisco County






Daniel E. Hayes, member of the firm of Hinckley, Spiers & Hayes, proprietors of the Fulton Iron Works, is a son of New England, where several generations of his ancestors were born, and is related to ex-President R. B. Hayes.  His father was a native of Maine and a graduate of Yale.  Mr. Hayes was also born in Maine, 1838.  After preparing for college under the tutorage of Professor (afterward Governor) Chamberlain, he entered Bowdoin College at fifteen.

            Coming to California in 1858, he obtained the position of bookkeeper in the Fulton Foundry.  In a year he was making estimates on work, and his knowledge of and proficiency in the business became so valuable that in 1863 he was admitted into the firm as an eighth owner.  Subsequently his interest was enlarged to a fourth, and upon the formation of the present copartnership in 1877 his interest was further increased to one-third, he thus becoming an equal partner with Messrs. Hinckley and Spiers.  For thirteen years he has been actively connected with the financial department of the Fulton Iron Works; and much of the remarkable growth and success of that great establishment is due to his application and ability.  Endowed by nature with superior mental facilities, education and experience have developed and rounded them out, resulting in the clear, active intellect and culture of the true gentlemen.

            In 1864 he married, in San Francisco, Miss Eleanor A. Olwell, an Ohio lady.


Transcribed by Terry Smith.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 15-16, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Terry Smith.




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