San Francisco County





George R. B. Hayes, a successful attorney of this city, is descended from a father and grandfather both of whom were brilliant lights in his profession.  He was born in Belfast, Ireland, in 1847.  During his youth he attended the common schools, and finished his literary education at Queen’s College, Belfast. In the year 1863, he came to the United States by invitation from his uncle, reaching New York city at the time of the draft riots which occurred during the early days of the war of the Rebellion.  He came directly to San Francisco, where he entered the law office of his uncle and completed his legal studies.  He was admitted to the bar, and later became associated with the firm of Stanly & Hayes, after which the firm was known as Hayes, Stanly & Hayes.  This partnership existed three years, when Mr. Stanly withdrew from the business, having been elected county judge, and the firm changed to William & George R. B. Hayes, existing as such for a number of years.

Mr. Hayes Jr., then made a trip to the East and Europe.  After his return he re-engaged in the practice of the profession alone. A partnership with Judge Stanly was then formed, and in 1879 Judge Stoney became connected with the firm, which is now known as Stanly, Stoney & Hayes.  These gentlemen, possessing talent, experience and unusual ability, have arisen to the first ranks of the legal profession of the State and are thoroughly deserving of the reputation they have made for themselves.  In his political belief Mr. Hayes is a strong Democrat, and has for many a year taken a leading part in the counsels of his party.  He is always a delegate to the city, State and national conventions.  He was elected a member of the State Legislature, and was a member of the board of Freeholders who prepared the proposed charter for the city and county.


Transcribed David Rugeroni.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 23, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 David Rugeroni.



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