San Francisco County





D. Morris Harvey, M.D.



D. Morris Harvey, M.D., whose office is at No. 762 Howard Street, San Francisco, was first a resident of California in 1876.  He was born in 1855 at Newport, Isle of Wight, England.  The latter years of his early education were spent in the diocesan college of that town until he was fifteen years of age.  He then commenced the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. Dobbs of that place, with whom he remained two and one-half years.  In 1873 he joined his bother, Dr. G. F. Harvey, in America, in 1876 entered the drug business in San Francisco.  Six years later, on his return to England, he was engaged in the same profession; also in Australia and Tasmania in 1884 and 1885, and again on his return to England and California.  In 1887 he entered the Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, where he graduated November 12, 1889, after a full course of three years, receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine.  He soon after entered into the practice of medicine in which he is now engaged.


Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 360-361, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.




Carl Von Der Mehden


Carl Von Der Mehden, a gentleman prominent in musical circles of San Francisco, was born in Lamstedt, Germany, in 1861.  His father was a musical director at that place, who also gave him his early musical instructions.  After having had several minor positions he was engaged by one of the finest German military bands in Meiningen as solo cornettist, where he also had opportunities to play under H. v. Bulow, J. Brahms, etc.

            In 1885 he came to the United States, and after a short sojourn in New York came to San Francisco, where he has since been successfully engaged in teaching music.  He is at present teacher at the Grand Conservatory, and has also a studio of his own.

            As a composer and arranger of music he is quite prominent, and figures among the best of San Francisco.


Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 377, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.


John C. Quinn


John C. Quinn, one of the best known and representative Federal officials, was born in El Dorado county, California, in 1858.  His parents were among the early settlers of that county, his father, John Quinn, having come in 1849.  Young Quinn was reared and educated in his native county, and also served an apprenticeship in a foundry, which trade he followed five years, and several years afterward was engaged in mining enterprises.  He then entered the post office department, and July 1, 1890, was appointed Assistant Postmaster, and filled that position with credit to himself and the department until he was appointed by President Harrison, April 20, 1891, to his present position, as Collector of Internal Revenue at San Francisco.

            Mr. Quinn is also prominently identified with the San Joaquin Valley Railroad, and is one of the directors and the treasurer of this important enterprise.  They have had surveyors in the field for the past twelve months, and have also the money in hand to begin the work the present year and the right of way secured.  This enterprise is of great importance to Fresno and the vast timber belt bordering on the Yosemite Park.  Mr. Quinn is an energetic and pains-taking official, always courteous and approachable, and justly popular with all.  He is an earnest and consistent Republican, and is active in the councils of the party.  He is a member of the Masonic order, and also of the American Legion of Honor.


Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 377, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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