San Francisco County








FRANK H. HARRISON, M. D., office at No. 427 Sutter street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since June, 1889, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine for the past eight years.  He was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1856, the son of John C. I. Harrison, who is a native of the same State, and grandson of William Henry Harrison, formerly President of the United States.  He is a first cousin of President Benjamin Harrison.  The family are of old Virginia stock, originally from England.  The father of President William Henry Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, was one of the signers of the Declaration of American Independence, representing Virginia in that document.

      The subject of this sketch received his early education in the public schools of Indianapolis, where he graduated at the high school in 1875.  He then entered Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut, in 1875, where he spend four years and graduated after a full scientific course in 1879, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy.  He then commenced the study of medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and at the same time studied under the preceptorship of Dr. Thomas M. Markoe, professor of the principles of surgery in that college.  He graduated in 1882, after a three-years course, receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine.  He then passed his examination at Roseville Hospital, New York city, and intered the hospital as interne, where he remained for the regular term of service, eighteen months.  Mr. Harrison then entered into the practice of medicine in New York city, in which he continued for one year; he was at the same time assistant to the chair of general medicine at the Post-Graduate School of New York.  Later he was also assistant to the chair of general surgery of the New York Polyclinic.  He had a class in the diseases of the skin at the Northern Dispensary in Waverly Place, New York city.  In April, 1885, Mr. Harrison returned to Salt Lake City and practiced medicine there for four years.  While there he was for eighteen months Attending Surgeon of the Deseret Hospital of Salt Lake City.  Dr. Harrison came to California in June 1889, and located in San Francisco, where he is now engaged in practice.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 674-675, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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