N. R. Harris

N. R. Harris, United States Secret Service agent for the Pacific Coast, is a native of Massachusetts, and was born in the city of Boston, September 9, 1836.  His parents removed to Michigan in 1837, and settled at Ann Arbor. At the age of sixteen he came across the plains in a wagon train, driving a team, and was six months and fourteen days on the way.  He had trouble with Indians and the snow, and finally reached Sutter's Fort, October 11, 1852.  He worked in a saw-mill during the winter, and in the spring of 1853 he went to the mines at Mormon Island and remained until the last of the year, and then went to Santa Clara county and worked on a farm, and afterward he was engaged in farming and stock-raising.  In 1869 he was elected Sheriff of that county for two years.  In 1871 he was re-elected for a second term.  After serving four years he was not eligible for a third consecutive term; but in 1875 he was again elected to the office, and served two years.  In 1882 he removed to Contra Costa county and made investments and engaged in reclaiming overflowed lands.  In 1888 he received his present appointment.  He now lives at College Park, Santa Clara county.

     In 1862 Mr. Harris married Miss Mary E. Ogan, of California.  She is a native of Jackson county, Missouri, and came to California in 1853.  They have four sons, three of them attending college in Santa Clara county.


Transcribed 12-12-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 641, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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