San Francisco County









      Henry Marius Hansen, prominent in San Francisco’s insurance circles, is a vice-president of Marsh & McLennan-J. B. F. Davis & Son, Ltd., Insurance Brokers, with head offices at 114 Sansome street, and was born in San Rafael, California August 3, 1883, his parents being Thomas and Marie (Lund) Hansen, natives of Denmark, who passed away in San Rafael. The father emigrated to America in the early 60’s, locating first in the east, whence he made his way to California via Cape Horn in the late 60’s. He first settled in the Salinas valley, where he engaged in farming, and subsequently became a builder. Eventually he removed to San Rafael, where he was extensively and successfully engaged in the lumber business until his death, which occurred in 1929, when he was eighty-nine years of age. For a period of thirty-five years he was active in the retail lumber business in association with his brother-in-law, Elias C. Lund, this relation being maintained with mutual pleasure and profit until each partner retired from active business life. Their partnership was a happy companionship, and they enjoyed the unqualified respect and warm regard of all who knew them by reason of their principles and character. Thomas Hansen was made a citizen of the United States in San Rafael and was a stanch republican in his political views but never sought office as a reward for party fealty. He served as a school trustee on the San Rafael board of education for almost twenty-five years, being a stalwart supporter of the cause of education. He was also a charter member and past grand of Marin Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and received a gold token in commemoration of fifty years of active membership and loyal support. In San Rafael he married Miss Marie Lund, who had come to America in the 70’s to visit relatives in California, and three children were born to them, namely: George C., Carson C., and Henry Marius.

      Henry M. Hansen attended the public schools of San Rafael and the University of California, from which he was graduated in 1903 with the degree of Bachelor of Science, conferred upon him by the College of Chemistry. On graduation he accepted a position as assistant chemist with the American Beet Sugar Company at Oxnard, California, but soon concluded that the road to success as a chemist was not for him the most promising. He therefore resigned his position after a brief period and pursued a course in Heald’s Business College to perfect himself in commercial subjects. After completing these studies he was associated with the firm of Erlanger & Gallinger of San Francisco in the export and import business until 1906. In that year he entered the field of insurance with David Duncan, general insurance agent of San Francisco, and in November, 1909, identified himself with J. B. F. Davis & Son of this city, the first insurance brokerage firm established on the Pacific coast. He was made manager of their casualty department, subsequently became a partner in the firm and thus continued until 1929, when the business was consolidated with Marsh & McLennan under the name of Marsh & McLennan-J. B. F. Davis & Son, Ltd., with Mr. Hansen as a vice president. J. B. F. Davis & Son was in business as an individual firm for a period of fifty-seven years prior to the merger.

      On the 21st of June, 1917, Mr. Hansen married Miss Georgia Macpherson, daughter of the late Alexander M. and Georgia (Young) Macpherson, representatives of old and prominent families of San Francisco. Mr. Macpherson was successfully engaged in business as a commission merchant of San Francisco during his active career and was a prominent member of the Caledonian and St. Andrew’s Societies. His daughter, Mrs. Hansen, belongs to the Garden Club of San Francisco, the Marin Golf & Country Club and the Musical Club. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen reside on Burnside court in San Rafael.

      Mr. Hansen gives his political allegiance to the republican party and is recognized as an enterprising and progressive citizen. Fraternally he is identified with the Masonic order, being  a member and past master of Marin Lodge, No. 191, F. & A. M., of San Rafael. While a student at the University of California he became a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity (southern), a national organization, and he also belongs to the Big C Society of the University of California. His name is likewise on the membership rolls of the Marin Golf & Country Club, the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, the San Francisco Commercial Club, the Public Spirit Club of San Francisco and the Masonic Club of San Francisco.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 58-60.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County