San Francisco County






   M. L. Hanscom, of Berkeley, dates his birth at Elliott, York county, Maine, February 5, 1832.  When eleven years of age he accompanied his parents by way of Panama to California.  His father, Isaiah Hanscom, was a well-known naval constructor, having been connected with the construction of many war vessels, some of which have become famous.  He married Sarah C. Frost; they were both natives of Maine.

   Mr. Hanscom, of this sketch, returned to the East and graduated at Harvard College in 1867, after which he returned to California and engaged in the lumber business from 1876 to 1882.  He owned and conducted a mill in Coos county, Oregon, and is now engaged in the lumber trade, being bookkeeper for Henry W. Taylor of West Berkeley.

   In 1868 Mr. Hanscom was united in marriage, in New York, with Miss Louisa F. Hyde, a native of Connecticut, but reared in the State of New York.  They have six children, namely: Meldon I., Edmund H., Marian L., Adelaide M., Sarah D., and Francis G.

   Politically, Mr. Hanscom is a decided Republican, and in every respect he is a worthy citizen and generous friend.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 141, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.




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