San Francisco County








 J. W. HAMILTON, a member of the firm of Miller & Hamilton, manufacturers of moldings, doors, sash, and blinds, in San Francisco, He is a native of Nova Scotia, born in 1838.Until seventeen years of age he lived with his Parents, receiving a thorough education. When he left school he taught one year, but not finding this calling to his taste, he went to Amherst, Massachusetts, and there passed four years learning the carpenter’s trade. For two years he worked at this trade, and having saved about $400, he determined to go to California, to try his luck in the land of gold. In 1861 he made up a party of eight, and on May 1st they sailed from New York City, making the trip via the Isthmus of Panama; the arrived in San Francisco May 25. As the days of placer mining had passed, Mr. Hamilton resumed his trade, work being plentiful and wages high. His first contract was to build a house on the Sacramento River; this being completed he returned to San Francisco, and continued in the employ of the same firm until April, 1862. Then he went to Virginia City, Nevada, and there followed contracting and building until the spring of 1864, when he again returned to San Francisco, and engaged as foreman in the planting mill of Robinson & Chapman. When his business was discontinued on account of the death of  Mr. Robinson he secured a position with the firm of McDonald Bros., as foreman; this he held until 1884, when he formed a partnership with W. N. Miller, formerly superintendent of the Enterprise Mill; they carried on the same business until February, 1891, when they removed from the rented quarters of the Enterprise Mill to their present location on Mission street; they have put in a complete outfit of new and improved machinery, and give occupation to about forty men. The business has steadily grown from the first, proving a profitable investment.

      Mr. Hamilton was married in San Francisco, July 3, 1871, to Miss Johanna Shaw, a native of Inverness Scotland; they have had born to them four children, only two of who are living: George E. and Catherine Hilda.

      In 1880 Mr. Hamilton built his residence at No. 721, Ivy Avenue, and owns other improved property in that neighborhood. In 1889 he made his first visit to Nova Scotia since he left it in his youth; he also traveled extensively throughout the Eastern States. 



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 537, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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