San Francisco County










            Dr. Wilton L. Halverson, director of Public Health for State of California, was born June 30, 1896, in Litchfield, Minnesota; the son of Halver L. and Mary (Westman) Halverson.

            Graduated from Union College (Nebraska) in 1919 with the degree of B.A.; M.D. from College of Medical Evangelists in 1929; and Dr.P.H. from Yale University in 1932. He served his internship at the Los Angeles (California) County Hospital, 1928-29.

            Dr. Halverson has been a member of the American Public Health Association since 1931, life fellow since 1942, chairman of Committee on Administration Practice from 1945 to 1951, vice president from 1939 to 1940, and president-elect, 1951 to 1952; life fellow of American Medical Association since 1934; member of Public Health Methods Study Section, United States Public Health Service, from 1945 to 1949, member of National Advisory Health Council since 1949; member of Board of Scientific Directors, International Health Division, Rockefeller Foundation, 1944-1946 and 1948-1952, and member of Health Commission, 1950 to 1951; alternate delegate from United States to First World Health Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland, and to second meeting of Executive Board, World Health Organization, in 1948.  Member of Los Angeles County and California Medical Association since 1933; chairman of Public Health Section, California Medical Association, 1942; past president of Southern California Public Health Association, 1939-1940; past president of State and Territorial Health Officers, 1949-1950; past president of Western Branch of American Public Health Association, 1950-1951; consultant, Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 1951; president of United States-Mexico Border Public Health Association, 1951-1952.

            Dr. Halverson was district health officer for Los Angeles County from 1929 to 1931; health officer for Pasadena (California) from 1934 to 1941; health officer for Los Angeles County from 1941 to 1943; and has been State director of Public Health, California, since 1943.  He was lecturer in Public Health at University of California, Los Angeles, 1934 to 1938; and professor of Public Health and head of section, College of Medical Evangelists, since 1934.

            Dr. Halverson married Hazel Richardson on July 22, 1920, and they have two sons:  Robert Lee and Harold Wilton.

            Home:  2070 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, California.

            Offices:  Phelan Building, 730 Market Street, San Francisco, California.




Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: Eminent Californians 1953, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor.  Pages 217-218, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Joyce Rugeroni.









San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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