San Francisco County





Dr. C. S. Haley, a leading physician and one of the most prominent educators, not only on the Pacific coast, but equally well known among practical educators in Eastern States, is a son of New England.


He was born in York county, Maine, October 23, 1832.  His parents were natives of New England, his father, John M. Haley, being a well-known physician.  Dr. Haley attended school and received his early education in Maine, and his collegiate course in Georgia and New York.  He engaged in teaching in the public schools when only seventeen years of age.  He went South and taught in Georgia when it required the courage of one’s convictions for a Yankee to engage in that profession in the Southern States, and remained there four years.


The Doctor was a self-made man, as his parents could ill afford to pay his collegiate course; therefore, when he determined to take up the study of medicine, he carefully nursed his funds, laying aside his earnings from teaching till he had saved a sufficient sum to carry him through college, when he entered the Augusta Medical College of Georgia, in the year 1854; and in the following year he pursued his studies at the Atlanta Medical College, from which institution he received his diploma.


Determined to avail himself of every opportunity of gaining a thorough knowledge of his chosen profession, he went to New York city, taking a third course in the University Medical College, where, having daily access to the hospitals of this large city, he had a chance of studying diseases in every form, which proved a great benefit to him in his after career.


After practicing medicine in Georgia for a year or two, he returned North, and for ten years successfully practiced his profession in Middlesex county, New Jersey.  While there he was actively identified with educational interests; was elected Superintendent of Public Schools, the law there requiring the superintendent to examine teachers and grant certificates.  He also took an active part in the city, county and State conventions.


Dr. Haley came to the Pacific coast in 1865, and engaged in the practice of medicine, being successfully and prominently identified with the profession in San Francisco and other portions of the State for fifteen years.


In 1881 the Doctor was induced to identify himself with Heald’s Business College, and since that time has been the active head of its noted commercial school, and one of its proprietors; and under his successful management it has attained its present high standard.  During the 1889 Dr. Haley took a well-earned vacation.  In April of that year he and his estimable wife started on a tour around the world, visiting England, France, Germany, Austria, India, Ceylon Island, China and Japan, giving much time and attention in observing the educational methods in all the countries visited; and in not one of them did he find a strictly commercial college.  He returned much benefited by his tour, and is giving his co-educators the benefit of what he has observed and acquired, his lectures being full of interest and instruction. He is also contributor to magazines and educational journals.  Dr. Haley is very genial, always approachable and is justly popular with the students of the institution of which he is the head.


Besides the college, he is largely identified in developing the farming interests of his adopted State, owning two raisin vineyards in Fresno county, also interested in stock-raising in Tulare county, where blooded horses, both for speed and draft, are produced for the market.  While he holds landed interests in other portions of the State, San Joaquin valley is his favorite section, where in the main he is directing his energies, having great confidence in the future of this far-famed valley.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 100-101, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.




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