Joseph B. Haggin, M.D.

Joseph B. Haggin, M.D., whose office is at No. 235 Kearny street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for the past twenty-four years, and has practiced medicine during that time in San Francisco.  He was born in Harrodsburg, Kentucky, in 1832, and is from an old Kentucky family, his grandfather, Captain John Haggin, having come from Virginia at the same time as Boone, Harrod and other celebrated frontiersmen.  His parents were Terah T. and Adeline (Ben Ali) Haggin.  They are of a family of professional men, the father having been a lawyer of prominence in Louisville and Harrodsburg, and two uncles and two brothers were also in that profession.  The mother was the daughter of a Turkish army officer, named Ibrahim Ben Ali, who emigrated to the United States early in this century, and married a Philadelphia lady, who was the grandmother of Dr. Haggin.

     Joseph B., our subject, received his primary education in the schools of Louisville, and later attended an academy at Frankfort, Kentucky.  He commenced the study of medicine in 1851, entering the medical department of the University of Louisville, where he graduated in 1853.  He then went to New York and took a post-graduate course at the New York Medical College.  Dr.Haggin then became Interne at the Emigrant Refuge Hospital at Ward's Island, remaining there eighteen months.  He then came to the Pacific coast, settling at Victoria, British Columbia, where he remained for ten years.  In 1867 he came to San Francisco, where he has been engaged in medical practice since that time.


Transcribed 9-6-04  Marilyn R. Pankey



Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 494-495, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.


© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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