San Francisco County









      Edward F. Haas is a native of Stockton, California, born August 28, 1870, a son of the late Charles and Charlotte (Merk) Haas. Charles Haas was born January 12, 1827, in Walldürn, Baden, Germany, and came to San Francisco, November 20, 1852. In July, 1858, he went to Stockton, California, and established himself in business which still exists in that city.

      Edward F. Haas attended the schools of Stockton and graduated from high school in 1888. He then entered the University of California, from which institution he received the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1892. He next took up his professional studies at Columbia University School of Mines, and received his degree of Civil Engineer in 1894. During the succeeding two year he served as assistant city engineer of Stockton, California, and then for a similar period was assistant to J. W. Ferris, civil engineer and contractor, in draining swamp land in the San Joaquin valley. For a time he was in private practice in Stockton, and was with the city engineer of San Francisco in 1898 and 1899. From 1900 until 1902 he was in partnership with Mr. Ferris in extensive dredging and reclamation work in California and the Hawaiian Islands, and since the latter year he has practiced privately as engineer and contractor. Mr. Haas is president of the Union Dredging Company, and senior member of the firm of Haas, Doughty & Jones.

      In Stockton, October 17, 1906, Mr. Haas was married to Miss Caroline Mabel Thompson, of Stockton, California. Mrs. Haas is a daughter of John C. and Caroline (Rutledge) Thompson, born California pioneers who originally came from Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Haas are the parents of two children: Edward Thompson, a graduate of the University of California; and Alice, a student at Vassar. The family residence is at 2698 Vallejo street, San Francisco. During his collegiate days Mr. Haas became a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. He is a trustee of the First Presbyterian Church, and belongs to the following clubs: University Club, Engineers Club of San Francisco, Yosemite Club of Stockton, Commonwealth Club, San Francisco Golf and Country Club, the Menlo Country Club, and the Stockton Golf Club.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 246-247.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County