San Francisco County









      For over a quarter century, Cyril A. Guglielmoni of San Francisco, has served as grand secretary of the Druids of California, and for thirty years has been a conspicuous figure in the advancement of this fraternal organization. He is a native of the country of Switzerland, and was born October 15, 1867. His parents were the late James and Josephine (Dazio) Guglielmoni. James Guglielmoni, who was a dairyman, and an assistant official of the military staff of Switzerland, came to California from Switzerland, in company with another son, in 1893. He lived here until his death in 1910.

      Cyril A. Guglielmoni, however, crossed the ocean to the United States in the year 1880, when just a young lad, in company with an older friend. He had the courage and intelligence to earn his own living, and also took a course of study through a correspondence school. He worked at the dairy and stock business in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties in California, and also rode the range as a cowboy. He came to San Francisco in 1886 and in association with a cousin engaged in selling live stock and milk for a period of nine years. Then for a following interval, he worked as a traveling salesman, and subsequently was in the wholesale cigar business until 1906. In the latter year, he was elected grand secretary of the Druids, and has filled the responsible duties of this office with credit ever since. For a number of years previous to his appointment, he had been prominent in the work of this order, and in 1902-03 had held the office of noble grand arch. During his term as grand secretary, the Druids’ membership has grown from six thousand to twenty-two thousand. Mr. Guglielmoni was one of the members of the order who helped select the lot on which the new Druids’ home is situated, and he was very active in having this home constructed in 1912-13. The work in the interest of the Druids has been very close to his heart for many years, and his sincerity of effort and high efficiency is well reflected in the things he has achieved in his present capacity.

      On the 2d of November, 1892, Mr. Guglielmoni was married to Miss Annie Johnston, who was born in Sommersville, Contra Costa county, California. To their union have been born five children, namely: George, Gladys, Norma, Morvin, and Elvin. The son, George Guglielmoni, is now in the engineering service of the United States Army at Fort Whipple, Arizona. There are three grandchildren in the family.

      Mr. Guglielmoni is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Burlingame Lodge, No. 400, F. & A. M., and also is connected with the Order of Sciots, the Improved Order of Red Men and the National Union. He has a popular reputation in all the different circles in which he has moved during his career, and has ordered his life according to the most ethical principles.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 122-123.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County