San Francisco County




T. G. Gruenhagen, manager of the old established and well-known candy store, "Gruenhagen's," No. 20 Kearny street, is a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, born in 1853.  His father, J. M. Gruenhagen, came to California during the gold excitement of 1849.  After about three years spent in mining, he returned to Wisconsin and brought his family to this coast, in 1854.

     The above mentioned candy store was established at the present location, in 1864, by N. B. Booth & Co., starting in a small way and manufacturing for the retail trade.  In 1867 the business was purchased by George Haas and William Gruenhagen (brother of our subject), who then made extensive alterations and improvements and increased the business.  In 1867 T. G. Gruenhagen, then but a lad of fourteen years, went into the employ of the firm, learned the practical workings of the business in every department, and in 1875 became the manager of the establishment.  In 1880 he purchased the interest of George Haas, and the firm of Gruenhagen Brothers has since continued the business.  They increased the size of their establishment, the store room now being 15 x 45 feet, the factory occupying the basement, 45 x 45 feet, with an additional room, 20 x 20 feet, for manufacturing purposes.  They employ fourteen hands in the factory and six clerks in the store.  They have also added an ice-cream department, through which they furnish ice cream for banquets, parties, etc., and do an extensive business.  In 1890 William Gruenhagen retired from the business and C. H. Gruenhagen became a partner, this relation continuing at the present time.

      Mr. Gruenhagen was united in marriage, in San Francisco, in 1878, to Miss Anna L. Lauterwasser, a native of Philadelphia.  He is a member of the Golden Eagle Society and several beneficiary orders.


Transcribed 12-29-04  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 679, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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