San Francisco County









      Marcus A. Grenadier, representative of the leading class of citizens in San Francisco, is the president of the firm of Grenadier & Macowsky, Incorporated, which is one of the principal firms on the Pacific coast engaged in the manufacturing of ladies’ gowns.

      Mr. Grenadier was born June 25, 1885, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is a son of the late Alfred and Annette (Talin) Grenadier. Alfred Grenadier was born in Alsace-Lorraine, and was there reared and educated. In 1880, he emigrated to the United States, and settled in Philadelphia, where he resided until his death in 1909 at the age of seventy-four years. During his active career, he was a successful flour miller. His wife was likewise a native of Alsace-Lorraine. They were married there, came to the United States together, and became the parents of three sons and three daughters. Mrs. Grenadier passed away in 1899, when she was fifty-one years old.

      Marcus A. Grenadier, who was fifth in order of birth in his father’s family, attended the public schools of Philadelphia and continued his studies at the Ohio State University in Columbus, from which he graduated in civil engineering in the year 1911. He was then employed by the New York City Interurban Railways, and assisted in the building of subways in that city. He remained in the metropolis for two years, and in 1913 moved to Los Angeles, California, where he lived until 1918, during which time he was in the advertising business. He then came to San Francisco, and established his present business. Beginning in a small way, he has developed an extensive enterprise in the manufacture of ladies’ garments, with trade which extends as far eastward as Chicago, Illinois, and along the length of the Pacific coast. During his career, Mr. Grendier has shown great versatility and energy in his various undertakings. Early in his life he became familiar with hard work, and during his university years he paid for his board by washing dishes and performing other tasks. Senator Frank Willis was his teacher, and an inspiration to the young student, stimulating his determination to make a success of his life. Consequently, Mr. Grenadier deserves one hundred per cent of the credit for the accomplishments of his years of activity.

      On December 12, 1912, in Baltimore, Maryland, occurred the marriage of Mr. Grenadier and Miss Gertrude Lipshitz, a native of Branford, Connecticut, and a daughter of Emanuel and Annette Lipshitz, members of an old Connecticut family. Mr. and Mrs. Grenadier have two daughters, namely: Annette, born September 17, 1914; and Adele Muriel, born July 19, 1921. The birthplace of Annette was in Los Angeles, while the younger daughter was born in San Francisco. Mrs. Grendadier is very active in the work of the local Parent-Teacher Association. The family residence is situated at 687 Eleventh avenue in San Francisco.

      The political views of Mr. Grenadier are expressed in his affiliation with the republican party. He is a thirty-second degree member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Pacific Lodge, No. 136, F. & A. M.; San Francisco Chapter, R. A. M.; and Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He is a member of the Down Town Association, the Rotary Club, the Manufacturers’ Association (of which he is now president), the Domestic Trade Bureau, and the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Grenadier is very devoted to music, instrumental and vocal, and the enjoyment of it may be termed his greatest diversion and interest aside from his business and the companionship of his family.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 425-427.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County