San Francisco County










            Stuart N. Greenberg, owner and president of M. Greenberg’s Sons, was born in San Francisco, California, on November 23, 1894; the son of Joseph and Bertha (Neugass) Greenberg.  Student at the University of California, 1918.  Served in World War I as officer and flyer in U.S. Army Air Corps.  Mr. Greenberg has been president of M. Greenberg’s Sons, San Francisco, California since 1942, and owner since 1924. Also president and owner of Josam Pacific Company of San Francisco since 1942;  president of Sacramento (California) Medico-Dental Building since 1942.

            Member of Temple Emanu-El, Sinai Memorial Chapel (member of Board of Directors); Hebrew Home for Aged Disabled (member of Board of Directors); California Metal Trades Association (member of Board of Directors), and the following clubs:  Concordia-Argonaut, Lake Merced Golf Club, Commonwealth Club, Pacific Lodge No. 136, F. & A.M.-Scottish Rite, San Francisco Bodies, Islam Temple-life member of Shrine.

            Mr. Greenberg improved and patented a special Fire Hydrant which was originally designed by his grandfather in 1854, who pioneered in brass foundry and machine works, establishing his factory in San Francisco in the gold rush days.







Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: Eminent Californians 1953, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor.  Page 351, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Joyce Rugeroni.









San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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