San Francisco County









      G. Monroe Greenwood, who is a general partner in the brokerage firm of St. Goar & Company, of San Francisco, California, is known as one of the most dependable and judicious stock brokers in the city, and at this writing he is also president of the San Francisco Curb Exchange. He was born in Oakland, California, November 25, 1898, and is a son of George D. and Mabel Alice (Tubbs) Greenwood.

      Both the Greenwood and the Tubbs families came to San Francisco in the year 1852. George D. Greenwood was born in this city, and during his active career was president of the San Francisco Savings & Loan Society and later vice president of the Savings Union Bank & Trust Company. During this latter incumbency, he retired to private life. His wife was born in Oakland, and died March 2, 1919. They were the parents of two children: Susan, who is now the wife of Herbert E. Hall, a San Francisco attorney; and G. Monroe.

      G. Monroe Greenwood attended the public schools and the Potter School of San Francisco, and acquired his more advanced intellectual training in the University of California, from which institution he received the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1921. After his graduation, he became connected with the S. E. Slade Lumber Company, with which he remained for two years in the capacity of secretary. He then took up the import and export business in San Francisco under the firm name of Greenwood & Anderson, which he continued until 1925, and was next employed by the bond house of Mysell, Moller & Company until January, 1928. On January 3, 1929 he was elected vice president, also reelected in 1930. On October 1, 1930, he became a general partner of St. Goar & Company, with the consolidation of his stock brokerage business and that of Edward Pollitz & Company. He was elected president of the San Francisco Curb Exchange in January, 1931. The offices of St. Goar & Company are at 1831 Russ building. Mr. Greenwood is known as a competent authority on stock values, and his counsel in financial matters is rated high in business circles.

      In Oakland, California, on June 1, 1921, Mr. Greenwood was married to Miss Virginia H. Smith, who was born in Whiting, Indiana, a daughter of Joseph P. and Edith (Stratton) Smith, her father being a retired director of the Standard Oil Company of California. To this marriage there have been born two children, namely: Robert Stratton, whose birth date was April 10, 1924, and Jane Ellen, born June 26, 1926. The family residence is situated at 21 Lasalle avenue in Piedmont.

      Mr. Greenwood is a member of the Pacific Union Club, the Claremont Country Club and the Mount Diablo Country Club. In politics he has given his support to the republican party. During the latter part of the World war period, he served for a short time in the United States Navy.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 302-303.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County