San Francisco County






NATHANIEL GRAY, founder of the well-known pioneer undertaking establishment of N. Gray & Co., was born in Massachusetts and reared in New England. The gold discovery that attracted throngs of people to California drew him hither. He left home in September, 1849, and arrived here in February 1850. Soon afterward he established the business above referred to, it being first located on the corner of Sacramento and Dupont streets. He removed from there to a brick building he had erected on the north side of Sacramento street. The following year he moved the establishment to its present quarters, and here for the past thirty-eight years the business has been conducted. Mr. Gray did business in his own name until 1868, when his son became a partner and the firm was styled N. Gray & Co. After the son’s death in 1876, Mr. Cyrus S. Wright became a member of the firm and remained so until 1887, when he purchased Mr. Gray’s interest. The latter lived a retired life until April 30, 1889, when he passed away, mourned by a large circle of friends. His business career in San Francisco was a most successful one, and he occupied a prominent position among the most honored citizens. During his connection with the undertaking business he laid away in their last resting places no less than thirty thousand persons.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 544, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.





CYRUS S. WRIGHT, who has been associated with the old established house of N. Gray & Co., undertakers, for the past quarter of a century, is a native of Vermont. He grew up in his New England home, and after completing his preparatory studies entered Dartmouth College, where he graduated in the scientific department with the class of 1837. He came to California in 1865, landing in San Francisco October 24. The week following his arrival here he entered the employ of Nathaniel Gray, one of his college classmates, and continued in that position until 1876, when he became a partner with Mr. Gray. They did business together till 1887, when Mr. Wright purchased the interest of his partner and succeeded to the business of N. Gray & Co., the firm name remaining the same.

      Politically Mr. Wright affiliates with the Republican party.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 544, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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