San Francisco County









      Numbered as one of the respected citizens of San Francisco is Francis Barnum Graves, who is the librarian of the Mechanics’ Mercantile Library of this city, and one of proved ability and long experience in his vocation. He is a native of San Francisco, where his birth occurred August 17, 1863, and he is a son of Augustus Bostwick and Mary Manning (Sturtevant) Graves.

      Augustus B. Graves was born November 15, 1832, and was of English descent. The first of the paternal line in the American colonies was John Graves, who settled in this country in 1635. From him, the line leading up to Augustus B. was as follows: Benjamin Graves, born 1645; John Graves, born 1683; Aaron Graves, born 1722; Recompense Graves, born 1756; and Samuel Graves, born 1794. Mary Manning (Sturtevant) Graves, the mother of Francis B., was of Dutch and English blood, and was born May 23, 1835. Her father was George Sturtevant, who was born in 1805; her grandfather was Rufus Sturtevant, born in 1770; and her great-grandfather was Dr. Thomas Sturtevant, who was born in Holland.

      Francis B. Graves received his education in the public schools of San Francisco, where he lived until September, 1889, then having moved to Alameda, California, which has been his place of residence ever since. From the year 1876 until 1883, he was affiliated with the publishing house of A. L. Bancroft & Company. Then, in February, 1885, he became assistant in the Mechanics’ Institute of San Fransico, and remained in this capacity until November 30, 1899. On December 1st following, he accepted the position of librarian of the Alameda Public Library, and retained it until November 30, 1907. His present incumbency, as librarian of the Mechanics’ Mercantile Library of San Francisco, dates from December 1, 1907.

      Mr. Graves was married at the Christ Episcopal Church in Alameda on April 19, 1899, his bride having been Miss Alice Gibbons, who was born in San Francisco, September 17, 1865, a daughter of Robinson and Mary A. (Hammond) Gibbons. Her father was born in Philadelphia in 1836, and died in Alameda in 1909; while her mother was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1839, and died in Alameda in the year 1907. Mrs. Graves received the degree of B. L. from the University of California in 1885. She is well known in the social and cultural circles of her residence community, and is a member of the Tea Club of Alameda. Mr. and Mrs. Graves have become the parents of three children, namely: Francis Gibbons Graves, who received the Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California in 1923, is the husband of Elizabeth Bruner, and resides in Berkeley, California; and Marion and Mary Alice Graves, who are deceased.

      In his political views, Mr. Graves has favored the republican party, and his religious affiliation is with the Christ Episcopal Church of Alameda. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows from 1902 until 1929.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 175-177.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County