San Francisco County









      Harry Gottesfeld, who is successfully engaged in the general practice of law in San Francisco as a member of the firm of Gottesfeld, Mann & Carmody, has been a resident of this city since 1912 and is numbered among the able attorneys and valued citizens here. He was born in Skala, Austria, June 8, 1889, a son of Leib and Hudia (Kiverstein) Gottesfeld, who were born in the years 1861 and 1871, respectively. In the acquirement of an education and later professional training he attended the New York public schools, the College of the City of New York and the Albany Law School, a branch of Union University. Prior to coming to California he was connected in a journalistic capacity with eastern newspapers and magazines. He left the eastern metropolis for San Francisco in 1912, when a young man of twenty-three years, and has remained a resident of this city to the present time, devoting his attention to general law practice with marked success. He has been admitted to practice in the supreme court of the United States, the United States court of claims, the interstate commerce court, all the courts in the state of California and the United States district court of Arizona. He has become widely known as a member of domestic corporations. Mr. Gottesfeld is attorney for the government of Afghanistan in the United States, attorney for the government of Greece in California, and is an officer and director of the Afghanistan-American Trading Company, the International Funding & Commercial Corporation and a number of other corporations.

      On the 6th of November, 1921, in San Francisco, Mr. Gottesfeld was united in marriage to Miss Rose Silver and they are the parents of one child, Joan Majora. Mrs. Gottesfeld has membership in the Jewish Council and other organizations.

      Mr. Gottesfeld gives his political allegiance to the republican party, believing its principles most conducive to good government. His military record covers service as sergeant in the intelligence section of the United States Army and his service dates from December, 1917, to February, 1919. For several terms he has been commander of Advance Post, No. 266, American Legion, and he is a member of the Forty and Eight Club. His name is also on the membership rolls of the Union League Club, the National Press Club of Washington, the San Francisco Press Club, the California Grays and the Associated Sportsmen of California. Adhering to the religious faith of his fathers, he is a member of Congregation Emanu-El, while fraternally he is affiliated with B’nai B’rith and with the Independent Order of Foresters. Along strictly professional lines he has membership in the San Francisco Bar Association and the American Bar Association.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 251-252.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County