San Francisco County









      Louis J. Glicksberg, who came to California from the Empire state, is a successful lawyer who has practiced in San Francisco for a period of six years. He was born in New York city, October 12, 1896, and is a son of Maurice Glicksberg, a native of Warsaw, Poland. Crossing the Atlantic in 1882, the father located in New York city, where he was naturalized in 1883, and remained in the eastern metropolis for many years. He prospered as a manufacturer of clothing and in 1918 journeyed westward to San Francisco, where he is now living retired. In Warsaw he married Yetta Schoen, who passed away in New York city, November 2, 1916, at the age of fifty-five years. Six children were born to them, five sons and a daughter.

      Louis J. Glicksberg, the youngest member of the family, was graduated from the Townsend-Harris high school of his native city in 1913 and four years later completed a course in the College of the City of New York, which awarded him the B. S. Degree. During the World war period he served with the Bellevue unit of the United States Medical Corps and subsequently attended the Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, receiving the degree of LL. B. from that institution in 1925. Since his admission to the California bar he has followed his profession continuously in this city and is now conducting a large civil law practice. He devotes much thought and care to the preparation of his cases and his argument are forceful, logical and always to the point.

      Mr. Glicksberg was married March 1, 1924, in San Francisco, to Miss Marie Rovens, a daughter of Moses Rovens, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and they now have two children: Louis J., Jr., who was born in San Francisco, March 22, 1925; and Beatrice G., born September 22, 1928. The residence of the family is at 879 Forty-second avenue, San Francisco, and Mr. Glicksberg maintains his office at 625 Market street. For relaxation he turns to golf and to the sports of hunting and fishing. In politics he is a republican but has never been active in behalf of the party, reserving all of his energies for this legal work, and has membership in the San Francisco and California Bar Association. He worked his way through college and from the age of sixteen years has depended upon his own efforts for a livelihood. Mr. Glicksberg is a young man of keen intellect, unfaltering purpose and strong character, destined to succeed in anything that he undertakes, and has already made substantial progress in his profession.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 235-236.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County