San Francisco County









      Arnold Glaser, prominently known as the president and one of the founders of the Glaser Bros.-Judell Co., of San Francisco, California, the largest wholesale cigar and tobacco company on the Pacific coast, was born July 4, 1870, in Pleschen, Germany, and is a son of Marcus and Amalia (Barcker) Glaser, both of whom lived and died in the Fatherland. Marcus Glaser was a successful merchant in the city of Pleschen, Germany. Six sons were born in the family, three of whom survive, as follows: Isadore, a resident of San Francisco; Jack, a physician of Breslau, Germany; and Arnold.

      The last named received his education in the public schools of Pleschen, and in 1891, the year he attained his majority, he came to San Francisco. He arrived here on the 28th of August, with the ambition to be a merchant tailor, and accordingly his first employment was in a tailor shop. An older brother, Michilas Glaser, who is now deceased, had preceded him to San Francisco, and in 1892 the two brothers established a small retail cigar and tobacco business at 514 Montgomery street, which was the beginning of the present mammoth concern conducted by Arnold Glaser. This meager beginning was attended with many hardships and critical periods. The brothers labored hard; Arnold Glaser canvassed the city and surrounding country in a small one-cylindered Reo automobile to get orders. The disastrous fire of 1906 destroyed their business, but with real fortitude they assumed operations, on a wholesale basis, in the basement of Mr. Glaser’s home, and so continued to add to the strength and patronage of the company. It is a known fact that the business as it now stands is the largest on the Pacific coast of its kind, and undoubtedly the largest west of Chicago. It is an exclusive wholesale concern, dealing in cigars, tobacco, pipes, candy, beverages, and various accessories. The trade has been extended throughout California, Oregon, and Nevada. Close to three hundred people are employed by Glaser Bros.-Judell Co. Branch houses are maintained at 475 Fourth street in San Francisco; 385 Seventh street in Oakland; 916 Twelfth street in Sacramento; 134 Fourth street in Santa Rosa; 81 South Third street in San Jose; 160 North Seventeenth street in Portland; 1032 Maple avenue in Los Angeles; 285 G street in San Bernardino; 616 G street in San Diego; 1820 L street in Bakersfield; 645 Broadway in Fresno; 238 East Market street in Stockton; and in Long Beach, Pomona, Ocean Park and Glendale. Eighty-five salesmen are constantly on the road; six cash and carry houses are operated, and there are also two distributing depots. Through intelligent procedure and wise business judgment this company has been developed to its present prosperous condition, and is a strong testimonial to the ability of its executive head.

      In the year 1919, Mr. Glaser was united in marriage to Miss Zelda Lewis, who was born in San Francisco, of German parentage. Mr. and Mrs. Glaser make their residence at 1100 Sacramento street, in the Park Lane apartments.

      Mr. Glaser’s religious affiliation is with the Jewish congregation at California and Webster streets. In national politics, he is a republican, but locally he has usually pursued an independent course. He is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, belonging to Starr King Lodge, No. 344, F. & A. M., of which he is a past master; and Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He is a member of the Press Club. Mr. Glaser owes much of his success to his cheerful contact with the many people with whom he has conducted business, and his willingness to cooperate fully in local enterprises.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 431-433.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County