San Francisco County







PHILIP GIOVANNINI, proprietor of the Union Mechanical Brass Works at 105 Fremont street San Francisco, came to the city in 1869. He is a native of the Republic of Switzerland, the oldest Republic in the world; He was born November 15, 1846, and was educated in his native land; learned the German, French, and Italian languages, and now speaks English fluently. He learned his trade that of machinist and mechanical engineer and at the age of twenty-two years he came to the Pacific Coast. His first employment was in a gas-meter works, in which he continued until 1875, and then with a partner purchased the business. Subsequently the partner died, and in 1877 the building burned, after which he worked for a time in the Joshua Henley Machine Works; then he removed his shop to the present locality, where he carried on the manufacture of all the supplies required in his business. He has made several inventions, one of which is a double gate, G and B valve, to shut of water; soon after he improved it, and it is now what is known as the Monitor gate. Another of his inventions is a macaroni hydraulic machine; he makes a compound press machine of this kind also. He is the inventor of the California gas machine, and in 1889 invented a time-water valve, which can be set to run any length of time and then close itself.

      Mr. Giovanni is interested with others in the improvement of a ranch in Santa Clara County, which they are planting to fruit and wine grapes. He is a stockholder and director in the Carara Marble Quarry, an enterprise that will be of great value, as it is developing another of the immense resources of California. He has also invested in city property and has built a very pleasant cottage at 425 Reedley Street, where he resides with his family. Since 1884 he has held the position of mechanical engineer for the Spring Valley Water Works; he is a member of the Swiss Rifle Club, and was for two years President of the Swiss Sharp Shooters` Club.

      Our worthy subject was married April 8, 1878, to Miss T. Handlos, a native of Germany. They have four children, born in San Francisco: Philip, Maria T., Attilio, and Romeo. Mr. Giovanni has always affiliated with the Republican Party, and is regarded as one of the most reliable and honorable of San Francisco’s business men.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 610, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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