San Francisco County








G. GINOCCHIO.--Prominent among the Italian residents of San Francisco is the subject of this biographical sketch, who was born in Borzonasca, Italy, in 1839. His father was a merchant and manufacturer of woolen goods. He was educated at Chiavari, the county seat, and at the age of sixteen years, with two companions, started for the United States of America. Crossing France to Havre they met other friends on route to America; when they reached the port their steamer was gone, and rather then wait fifteen days for another steamer they embarked on a sailing vessel, and were sixty three days on the voyage. After a rest of thirty days in New York City, they set sail for California, going via the Isthmus, and arriving in San Francisco in 1856. Mr. Ginocchio went at once to the mines at Coulterville, Mariposa County, to meet his Cousin, E. Ginocchio, who was there in business. After a short visit he engaged in mining, which he continued two years with anything but satisfactory results. He then took charge of his cousin’s store while he went to Fraser River, returning at the end of twenty months. Mr. Ginocchio then became manager of a store at Deer Flat, but this venture also proved unsuccessful. He was afterward connected with several mercantile enterprises in various mining localities until 1867, when he returned to Coulterville. There he took charge of a store and remained until February, 1870. In that year he came to San Francisco, with a capital of $500, and engaged in purchasing and reselling business. He carried on a large and profitable trade. He also established stores at San Diego, Yuma and Portland. In 1879 his health failed through over work and he closed out his business, making safe investments with his capital. He is a stock holder in the Italian-Swiss Agricultural Colony at Asti, Sonoma County, and has been treasurer of the colony since 1885. In August, 1887, he bought a ranch of about 200 acres at Asti, and he has placed 120 acres in mixed fruits and vines. In 1884 he built a $30,000 residence at 2727 Folsom street, where he now resides. A portion of his time is spent in superintending the cultivation of his ranch.

      Mr. Ginocchio was married in San Francisco, in 1880 to an American young lady, a native of San Francisco. He is a man of genial disposition, of excellent judgment, and strict integrity of character, and well worthy of the success that has finally crowned his efforts.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 528-529, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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