Frances C. Gehricke, M.D. whose office is at No. 803 Golden Gate avenue, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1886, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine since 1878. She was born in New Castle, Pennsylvania, in 1839, receiving her education in the public schools of that city. Later she attended the Wheaton Female Seminary at Norton, Massachusetts, where she studied for three years. She commenced the study of medicine in 1870, under the preceptorship of Dr. Searles of New Castle, Pennsylvania, and in 1875 she entered the Woman’s Medical College of New York city, graduating at that institution after a full course of three years and with the highest honors, in 1878, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine. She commenced the practice of her profession in New York city, continuing until 1886. In that year she came to California, first practicing in Los Angeles until January, 1890, when she removed to San Francisco, where she has located for the practice of her profession. Dr. Gehricke devotes herself exclusively to gynecology. She was for some time, while in New York, the Homeopathic Medical Director of St. John’s Guild for the east side. She also organized the Provident Medical Homeopathic Dispensary of New York city, which she conducted for two years. 

Dr. Gehricke is of Scotch-Irish descent. Her father, R. W. Cunningham, a prominent iron merchant, owns the only wire nail factory in western Pennsylvania, having been brought to the United States from Ireland by his parents when an infant. He has been engaged in iron manufacture and railroading at intervals in Pennsylvania for many years. 

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 529-530, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Donna L. Becker.

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