San Francisco County



H. G. GEAR, attorney, is a native of Marietta, Ohio, born December 1, 1842. His parents were natives of New England and were among the early settlers of Ohio. His father, Rev. Hiram Gear, was a prominent minister in the Baptist church, who died in 1843. The mother, whose family name was Sage, resided in Granville, Ohio, for a number of years preceding her death, which occurred in the spring of 1891. Our subject attended school during boyhood, entered Marietta College and graduated in 1862. He began reading law while a tutor in the college, and entered the law office of Judge Ewart, of Marietta. Upon reaching his majority he came to the Pacific coast and pursued his legal studies with Judge Van Clief, of Downieville, and was admitted to the bar on his twenty-first birthday, December 1, 1863. He engaged in the practice of law in Sierra, Plumas and Lassen counties until 1870, when he returned to his native State and remained until 1883. Coming then again to California, he located in San Francisco, and since then has successfully practiced his profession here. While engaged in general practice he has given much attention to mining law and mining litigation. Mr. Gear was elected District Attorney of Plumas county in 1868, and held that office two years. For the past two years he has been Assistant Reporter of Supreme Court decisions, and has prepared an Index Digest of the California Supreme Court Reports for sixty-seven volumes, also Supplemental Digest to Volumes 56 to 64 inclusive, California Reports; and also wrote a treatise on the "Law of Landlord and Tenant." Mr. Gear is a consistent Republican, with prohibition proclivities, but not an office-seeker. 

Transcribed 1-28-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 290-291, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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