San Francisco County









      One of the most highly reputed physicians of San Francisco, California, is Dr. Henry L. Gardner, whose offices are located at 700 Phelan building, 760 Market street. He is a native of Cooper, Texas, where his birth occurred June 26, 1895, and is a son of William H. and Mary Elizabeth (Lambeth) Gardner.

      William H. Gardner was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and was descended from an old southern family of Scotch extraction. He attended the schools of Tennessee and of Cincinnati, Ohio, and finally graduated from the Physio-Medical College of the latter city. He then settled in Cooper, Texas, where he practiced medicine until his death in June, 1918, when he was sixty-four years old. He was a member of the Delta County, the Texas State, and the American Medical Associations. His wife was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky, member of an old English family of that state, and now resides in Sulphur Springs, Texas. By her marriage to Dr. Gardner, she was the mother of one son and three daughters, and in addition she reared eleven orphan children.

      Dr. Henry L. Gardner attended the public schools of Delta county, Texas, and also a private school in Mount Pleasant, Texas, for three years. In 1915, he entered Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, for the purpose of taking up the study of medicine. His course here was interrupted when the United States declared war against Germany. He entered the military service and during the war period he was an instructor in flying, with the rank of ensign. After the armistice he received his honorable discharge, whereupon he renewed his work in the university, and received his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1923. He then came west to San Francisco, and here served an internship for one year in the Southern Pacific Hospital. Thereafter he took up active practice in association with Dr. James Eaves at 560 Sutter street, and this arrangement continued until 1925, in which year he established his own office. He has met with conspicuous success in his professional work and has won a patronage of large proportions. He is a member of the medical staff of St. Mary’s Help Hospital in San Francisco, and belongs to the San Francisco, the California State, and the American Medical Associations.

      In Sulphur Springs, Texas, September 15, 1921, Dr. Gardner was married to Miss Blanche Adele Mahaffey, a daughter of Charles H. and Lou (Holloway) Mahaffey, the former being a prominent banker in Sulphur Springs. Dr. and Mrs. Gardner have two children, namely: Betty Lou, who was born February 23, 1924; and Jack Walker, whose birth occurred July 5, 1928. The family residence is situated at 307 South Leandro way.

      In political questions of national character, Dr. Gardner has given his support to the republican issues. He is a Protestant in religion, and a member of the Glide Memorial Church. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, belonging to Sulphur Bluff Lodge, No. 249, A. F. & M. Hunting, fishing, and golf are his favorite diversions.

      Dr. Gardner deserves much commendation for his efforts to secure his medical education. He worked his own way through the university, having labored on dairy farms and ranches and at various other tasks in order to satisfy his ambition to be a doctor. His progress in the profession has been rapid, and he observed the most rigid ethics during the years of his active medical work.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 333-335.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County