San Francisco County







   PHILIP G. GALPIN, a lawyer of San Francisco, is a native of the Empire State, born in the city of Buffalo in 1830.  His paternal ancestors settled in Vermont before the war of the Revolution, and the father of our subject during his boyhood was within hearing of the guns during battle in the war of 1812.  Mr. Galpin’s mother’s family name was Fitch, of the noted historical Fitch family, of New England.  Of her ancestors, Thomas Fitch was the last governor of Connecticut appointed by the king of England before the Revolutionary war.  His sympathies, however, were with his countrymen, and he presided at the first meeting held in Norwalk to raise troops when news came from Boston of the first battle of the Revolution.  Philip Galpin attended school in New Haven during boyhood, received his preparatory education at Russell’s Military Academy, entered Yale College, and graduated in the class of 1849.  He entered the law office of Governor Henry B. Harrison, of New Haven, where he pursued his legal studies, and attended the New Haven Law School, and was admitted to the bar in 1852.  Removing to Ohio, he settled at Findlay, where he practiced law two years, and in 1854 went to New York, where he was offered a partnership by Robert G. Pike, which he accepted.  He remained in this partnership until 1859.  In 1857 he came to the Pacific coast to attend to important litigation, and remained two years; and again in 1865 he was called here in the interests of  other clients, requiring his attention for two or three years.  He remained in active practice in New York, with the exception of two years in Europe, until 1875, when he came to the coast and located permanently in San Francisco.  Soon afterward he formed a law partnership with John T. Doyle, Henry D. Scripture and William Barber.  These three associates have since withdrawn, and Wilbur G. Ziegler having been admitted, the firm is now Galpin and Ziegler.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 312-313, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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