San Francisco County






J. A. GALLET, of San Leandro, was born in the North of France in 1845. In 1850 he came to the United States with his father, P. A. Gallet, who located in Western New York. Our subject was educated in the common schools of Wyoming county New York, where he grew to man’s estate. After obtaining his majority he went to Plymouth, Wisconsin, and established a warehouse, and for five years was engaged in the sale of agricultural machinery. While in Plymouth he was married to Miss Georgiana Warner, a native of Wisconsin. In 1873 Mr. Gallet came to California, and after spending some time in Oakland he went to Portland, Oregon, where for a year and a half he dealt in agricultural machinery. In 1875 he came to San Leandro, and bought the livery stock of Lee Morehouse. In the last fifteen years he has improved the barns and added materially to the stock, and it may truthfully be said that he has today as fine a livery stock, carriages, hacks, and buggies as can be found in Alameda County. In 1876 Mr. Gallet built the first residence on Juana Avenue, San Leandro, and at present he owns several adjoining lots on this avenue, which is one of the principal residence streets in the city.

      In 1882 he was elected Constable, which office he has ever since held. He served one term as President of the Board of Trustees of San Leandro, and has recently been appointed as one of the delegates from Eden Township to the Democratic State Convention at San Jose.

      Mr. Gallet is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F., of San Leandro, of which he has passed all the chairs. At the present time he is Past Chief of the Hayward’s Encampment. 



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 538-539, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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