Milton F. Gabbs, D.D.S., whose office is at No. 22 Post street, San Francisco, has been engaged in the practice of dentistry since his sixteenth year.  He is a native of California, born in San Jose in 1860, and is of English descent, his parents having both been natives of that country, his father of Gloucestershire and his mother of Cornwall.  His father was one of the pioneer dentists of this State, having come to California in 1852.  Our subject received his early education in the public schools of San Francisco, where he also attended the high school for nearly two years.  Later he commenced the study of dentistry in the office of his father, Dr. E. S. Gabbs, a dentist at Sutter Creek, and at the same time attending the local schools.  From his nineteeth to his twenty-second year he took charge of a mining engine in Idaho, and later of the machinery of the mine.  Here he saved the means to carry him through the Dental College of the University of California, which he entered in 1882 at the opening of the college, he being the second matriculate of that institution.  He graduated in 1883, being the first matriculate who went through the full course and graduated, receiving his degree as Doctor of Dental Surgery.  He then entered the practice of his profession as the assistant to Dr. G. O. Cochran, a dentist of this city, in whose office he remained two years.  Since 1889 Dr. Gabbs has been in practice on his own account in his present office.  For two years the Doctor held the position of Demonstrator of Mechanical Dentistry, and for two years held the position of Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry, and now holds the position of Demonstrator of Continuous Gumwork.  He has been connected with the faculty of the university since his graduation.

Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 632-633, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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