San Francisco County





GEORGE K. FRINK, M. D., whose office is at No. 37 Post street, corner of Kearny street, and his residence 2307 Scott street, near Jackson street, is a native Californian, and has practiced medicine in San Francisco for the past four years.  He was born in San Francisco in 1860, the son of George W. Frink, who is a prominent resident and business man, vice-president of Easton, Eldridge & Co., of this city, since 1852. Dr. Frink received his primary education in the public schools of this city, and later entered the California Military Academy in Oakland, where he remained for two years, reaching the rank of Lieutenant and Adjutant. He then went into active life in various directions: most of the time was spent, however, in a grocery and in the real estate business. In 1885 the Doctor commenced the study of medicine, under the instructions of a preceptor, and at the same time entering the Cooper Medical College where he completed a full three-years course, taking both regular and intermediate courses, and graduating November 17, 1887, receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine. During the last two years of his college course he received special instruction from the house physicians and surgeons of the city and county hospitals, and had similar advantages for clinical experience as those afforded by the position of house physician and surgeon. At the same time he made it a part of his study to assist at autopsies at the city morgue. After his graduation he went to New York, where he received special instruction at the New York Hospital and New York Dispensary. While there he received the appointment as assistant at the Charity Hospital on Chambers street, and there took every opportunity to assist in the treatment of cases committed to that institution.

Then he returned to San Francisco and established himself in practice, in the beginning of February, 1888. He is the attending physician and surgeon to the Magdalen Asylum; member of the State Medical Society of California, and of the County Medical Society of San Francisco; also late physician to the San Francisco Foundling and Maternity Home, and to the Rescue Home; also member of the Geographical Society of the Pacific, the Mechanics’ Institute and the Olympic and Western Addition clubs.

Transcribed by 8-17-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 326, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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