San Francisco County





FRANK, NATHAN H., Attorney, was born in San Francisco, California, June 3, 1858, the son of Jacob Frank and Eva (Meyer) Frank. His paternal ancestors were Bavarian Jews and his mother is a native of Frankfort-on-the-Main. He married Charlotte Elizabeth Petterson at San Francisco, September 19, 1881, and they are the parents of five sons and a daughter. Four of the children, including the daughter, were at college at the same time, and one son, Irvin H. Frank, is now associated with his father in law practice.

The public schools of Suisun, Solano County, from 1863 to 1873, and then a private course under the principal, C. W. Childs, prepared him for the University of California, from which he was graduated in 1877, a Ph.B. Two years later he took the degree of L. L. B. From the Columbia Law College of New York, and after waiting a month to become of age he was admitted to the bar of new York.

On his return to San Francisco he associated himself with the firm of Wheaton & Scrivner, patent lawyers, with whom he remained until 1881. He then went to New Mexico to scan the field there. Disappointed in the outlook, he returned to San Francisco. Shortly after his second return he entered the office of Milton Andros. After a brief term in a clerical capacity he became the partner of Mr. Andros, under the firm name of Andros & Frank, which partnership lasted until 1900.

Mr. Frank’s practice, though of a general nature, has been chiefly in maritime and insurance law and in the Federal courts. In the course thereof he has had many cases of public interest and handled practically all the causes on this coast arising out of seizure, as prize, of American vessels and cargoes during the Russo-Japanese War. Important among these is his successful attempt to establish a principle differing from that apparently settled by the English law during the Napoleonic wars. This law held that a vessel insured against “capture, seizure and detention was not covered for a loss due to condemnation for carrying false papers. From time immemorial, however, it had been the practice of vessels engaged in blockage running to carry false papers to enable the vessels to accomplish their purpose, and the policy gave them the liberty of running the blockade. But in this case counsel for the insurance company contended that as the steamer was covered by an English policy the English law should govern. Testimony of two of the ablest English barristers, one of whom has since been elevated to the bench of the High Court of Justice of England, was taken to prove that the loss was not covered by the policy. Mr. Frank, however, took the position that everything usual and customary in accomplishing the voyage was covered by the insurance, and hence condemnation for carrying false papers was within the policy. His contention sustained by the United States Circuit Court and subsequently by the Circuit Court of Appeals, discountenanced the old English law.

Another achievement especially noteworthy is his establishment of the present standard form of charter-party and bill of lading necessitated by the hazardous trade to Alaska, ships for which, at the beginning of the gold excitement, hailed from San Francisco but were chartered by Seattle firms.

During his extensive experience he has become the attorney for a large variety of companies and interests, which rely upon him with the utmost confidence. Among these are the Barneson-Hibbard Co., J. D. Spreckels and Bros. Co., Oceanic Steamship Co., the Charles Nelson Co., Robert Dollar S.S. Co., Los Alamos Oil and Development Co., the Alaska Exploration Co., and for many years, as a member of the firm of Andros & Frank, the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

Mr. Frank has not been very active in club life, though he is a member of several.

Transcribed 11-29-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I, Page 164, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta. 1913.

2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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