San Francisco County








J. E. FOULDS, a patriotic American citizen, was born in England in the years of 1848, and is a son of James Foulds, who was a prominent architect and civil engineer.  He was educated in the land of his birth, attending the grammar school King Edward Sixth, one of the six great schools instituted during the Reformation, and in fact the most famous of the group.

      When Mr. Foulds had grown to manhood he determined to emigrate to America, and after landing on our shores he continued his journey to the Pacific coast.  Here he entered upon a course of legal study under the supervision of the Hon. S. W. Sanderson, one of the most eminent jurists on the coast.  Our subject was especially favored in the beginning of his career, being the only pupil taken in the office of Mr. Sanderson.  He pursued his studies until January, 1876, when he was admitted to the bar.  He immediately became connected with the law department of the Central Pacific Railroad, and was soon made one of the regular attorneys of this great corporation; as such, he made a special study of railroad law, lands, and titles, and retained this responsible position until 1888, when he resigned to enter into the general practice of the profession.  The following year he associated himself with Mr. Carroll Cook, and during the time of the existence of this partnership a profitable patronage has been secured.

      Mr. Foulds received thorough, scientific training in legal jurisprudence under Judge Sanderson, and has done his preceptor great credit by his untiring efforts and painstaking care since entering the profession.




Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 372, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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