San Francisco County












Mortimer Fleishhacker, banker, was born August 22, 1866, in San Francisco, California; the son of Aaron and Delia (Stern) Fleishhacker. He received his education in the public schools of San Francisco.

            In the year 1890 Mr. Fleishhacker became a partner and general manager of A. Fleishhacker & Company. He organized various other companies and was elected president of the Truckee River General Electric Company in 1899, the American River Electric Company in 1901, the City Electric Company in 1905, the Central California Traction Company in 1906, the Great Western Power Company in 1908; also is now president of Fleishhacker Paper Box Company and director of many corporations. He was federal mediator for labor trouble and also head of the Exemption Board during the World War.

            Mr. Fleishhackeer was a Regent of the University of California; member of Golden Bear Society (University of California); and member of the following clubs: Family, Concordia-Argonaut. He is a Republican in politics and of the Jewish religion.

            In August of 1904 he married Bella Grestle and they are the parents of two children, Eleanor and Mortimer, Jr.

            Homes:  2418 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, California; (summer) Green Gables, Woodside, California.

            Offices:  111 Sutter St., San Francisco, California.





Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 66, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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