San Francisco County







 GERALD J. FITZGIBBON, M.D. whose office is at No. 21 Powell street, San Francisco, was born in Sacramento, California, October 19, 1855, the son of Maurice Fitzgibbon, a native of county Limerick, Ireland, who came to America when a child.  He was one of the early settlers of California, and was engaged first in mining and later in in  the hotel business in Sacramento.  He is now living in San Francisco, retired from active business.  Gerald received his early education in the public schools of Sacramento, graduating at the high school in 1872.  He commenced the study of medicine in that year, under the preceptorship of Dr. G. G. Tyrrell, now secretary of the State Board of Health.  Dr. Fitzgibbon entered the St. Mary’s Hospital in 1875 as interne, and soon afterward entered the Medical College of the Pacific, now the Cooper Medical College, where he graduated November 6, 1877.  He was at once appointed Resident Surgeon and Physician of St. Mary’s Hospital, where he  remained until January 1, 1880.  He then entered into private practice in his present locality.  The Doctor is now a member of the State Medical Society of California, and of the County Medical Society of San Francisco, also of the San Francisco Medical Benevolent Society of California.


Transcribed 10-30-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 273-274, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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