San Francisco County





THOMAS FITCH, Jr., general commission merchant at 202 Sacramento street, San Francisco, is one of the native sons of California and representative business men of the metropolis of the West. He is a native of San Francisco, dating his birth November 30, 1862, a son of Hon. Thomas Fitch, a native of New York, well known throughout the pacific coast as the “silver-tongued orator.”

At the age of twenty-two years, Mr. Fitch, the second born in the above family, began the battle of life on his own account, and has been identified with the largest and most prominent commission houses of this city. Starting in business without capital or any financial aide from any one, but being a man of quick perceptions and of enterprise and natural ability, he has advanced steadily to the front ranks of the more progressive element of commission merchants. His business extends far beyond the confines of the State. The name is well known in every city and town of consequence west of the Missouri river; and indeed it is no undue praise to say he is even better known in the surrounding territory than in his native city. He is a stanch believer in California’s future greatness as a fruit and grain-producing State, and loses no opportunity of advertising that belief. Among the few business men who in their daily transactions with Eastern houses endeavor to advertise the State in connection with mercantile pursuits, may be seen the unique method adopted by Mr. Fitch. Every car he sends to the East bears the following placard: “California beats the world. Thomas Fitch, Jr., Commission Merchant, 202 Sacramento street, San Francisco: Fruits, beans, produce, honey, nuts, grain, etc. All correspondents and consignments receive our immediate attention.” In connection with the above the emblem of the State is given and the picture of a huge bear. The placard attracts much attention. Numerous letters are received by Mr. Fitch concerning California. He makes a specialty of furnishing patrons with the best the market affords. Long experience has made him thoroughly conversant with every branch of produce, and merchants in the interior dispose quickly of all consignments forwarded by him.

Mr. Fitch was married in San Francisco in 1884, to Miss Sue M. Shaw, a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and they have two children, viz.: Wallace and Milton. Politically he is a Republican and takes an active interest in local matters. Socially he affiliates with Oakland Parlor, N. S. G. W.

Transcribed by 11-17-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 174, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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