San Francisco County







S. EDGAR FISHER, architect, residing in Oakland was born in Sutter county, California, July 11, 1865, son of La Fayette and Mary (Bartle) Fisher. Both the Fisher and Bartle families are of New England origin for several generations. The grandfather, John Fisher, was a farmer by occupation, and lived to be ninety-eight years of age, and his wife died a week later, at the age of ninety-six years. The mother of the subject of this sketch, a native of New York state, died when about fifty years old, leaving three children. His father, born in July, 1824, in Massachusetts, left there with his parents at the age of ten years, who settled as pioneers in Michigan. He started out in the lumber business and followed it until he left for California, in 1849. On arriving here he followed mining at Michigan Bar and other points for about five years. At length he settled at Dutch Flat, engaging in the hotel business. Three years afterward he was burned out, losing everything. Moving then to Sutter county, he entered land, in 1858, becoming the owner of about 800 acres. He was engaged in agriculture there about sixteen years. In 1874 he sold out and settled in Marysville, where he was engaged in the wholesale grocery business for a few years, and then retired from active business life, and is now a resident of Oakland, He has traveled a great deal.

      His children are: Pauline, born in Dutch Flat and married to L. S. Hawkins, a miller, then of Marysville, but now resides in Seattle, Washington; Eva May, born in Sutter County in 1871, and now attending school in Santa Clara, and S. E., the subject of this sketch.

      Mr. Fisher, our subject, was educated mostly in Oakland, graduating at the high school at the age of seventeen; spent two years learning his art in San Francisco; learned also the trades of carpenter and millwright, and acquired also some practical knowledge of masonry. In 1889 he opened an office as architect in Oakland, where he now has a growing business, employing several draughtsmen. He has designed several of Oakland’s handsome residences. He is a member of Oakland Parlor, No. 50, N. S. G. W.

      He was married in Oakland, November 23, 1888, to Miss Alice Clement, who was born in the village of Clement, and came to California with her parents, R. H. and Carrie E. (Davis) Clement. Mrs. Fisher died in 1890, at the age of twenty-two years, leaving one son, E. Clement Fisher, who was born June 13, 1889.



Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 541-542, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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