H. C. FIREBAUGH was born in Logan County, Ohio, in 1843, his father a native of Virginia, and his mother of Pennsylvania.  His parents were early settlers of Ohio, and removed to southern Illinois during the early childhood of our subject.  His father was a farmer, and also owned a sawmill.  Our subjects attended school during boyhood, and afterward engaged in teaching.  He studied in Illinois, and was submitted to the bar of the Supreme Court in June, 1868.  After being admitted he entered the law department of the University of Michigan, and graduated in May, 1869.  He was offered a partnership with a law firm who had a good business, but being in very poor health he was obliged to seek the more grateful climate of California, and arrived here without money or friends.  He immediately sought employment.  Was offered a situation as ox-driver, and as he could get nothing else, he excepted and walked to Santa Cruz to get to the place.  After working two days he returned and went to Healdsburg, and entered the office of old Captain Norton, was admitted to the bar, and engaged in the practice of law there until 1876, when he came to San Francisco, and since then has successfully practiced his profession here.  He was associated as partner with Judge Earl, of the Superior Bench of Nevada.  In 1885 Mr. Firebaugh was elected Representative to the State Legislature.  He is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity and other social organizations.


In 1870 Mr. Firebaugh married Miss Brown, daughter of Deacon Josiah Brown, of Healdsburg, an old and honored settler of Sonoma county.  Mr. and Mrs. Firebaugh have an interesting family of five children.



Source: "The Bay of San Francisco" (and Its Cities And Their Suburbs) Vol 1. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 472.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.

© 2003 Nancy Pratt Melton

San Francisco County California Biography Project

California Statewide

Golden Nugget Library