San Francisco County









      Thomas William Nelson Firby was admitted to the bar, in San Francisco, in 1913. He still is practicing here, in association with S. W. Molkenbuhr, having offices in the Mills building. Since 1917 he has been representing the empire of Persia as acting and, latterly, as honored consul.

      Mr. Firby was born in Walkerville, Ontario, Canada, on March 6, 1884, and is a son of William Thomas and Mary (Church) Firby, the former now being deceased. William Thomas Firby, of English stock, was a vessel captain, and sailed the Great Lakes for many years. His wife, of English and German origin, survives, and by her marriage is the mother of two sons and two daughters. In 1886, the family moved from Canada directly across the river to Detroit, Michigan.

      In the public schools of Detroit, in Gutchess College of Business and Shorthand there, and in private study, Mr. Firby obtained his education. Until 1901, he was engaged in clerical work in the city; then came to California, and settled near San Juan. In 1903 he moved to Watsonville, where he took a clerical position in the law offices of Dickerman & Torchiana, and also at that time began to study law with the purpose of entering the profession. Later, he came to San Francisco, and in 1908 became associated with the law firm of William M. Cannon and T. C. Judkins, as stenographer and clerk. He continued his studies assiduously, and in 1913 was enabled to pass the bar examination. From that time, he has been active in the practice in San Francisco and the East Bay district.

      In 1907, Mr. Firby was married to Miss Della Dempsey, of Pennsylvania, and they have become the parents of the following children: Thomas Elbert, Mary, Helen, Robert, Edward, Alan and Patricia. They reside in Oakland.

      In politics, Mr. Firby is allied with the republican party. He is a Mason, and also belongs to Albion Lodge, American Order of the Sons of St. George.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 163-164.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County