W. H. Fifield

W. H. Fifield, a member of the prominent law firm of Cope, Boyd, Fifield & Hoburg, is a native of Jackson county, Michigan.  His parents emigrated from New Hampshire to the latter State in 1830, where they were among the early pioneers.  Mr. Fifield received his education in his native State, graduating at the University of Michigan in the class of 1865.  He afterward commenced the study of law, and was admitted to the bar of Michigan in 1866, and two years later came to the Pacific coast, arriving September 25, 1868.  Five days later, on the first of October, he engaged in the practice of law, and for the past twenty-two years has been actively identified with his profession here, and has an enviable reputation as a most thorough and painstaking advocate.  His associates in practice are Judge W. W. Cope and Mr. James T. Boyd, old and honored citizens of this city and State, and Mr. Frank N. Hoburg, a rising young lawyer, and the firm of Cope, Boyd, Fifield and Hoburg stands in the front rank of the profession, not only in California but also throughout the other portions of the Pacific coast.

     Mr. Fifield is second Vice-President of the Bar Association.  While earnestly interested in good government, he has no taste for official life, and has firmly declined political preferment.  He is not actively identified with fraternal organizations, devoting his whole time to the interests of his profession and his home.


Transcribed 9-10-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 509-510, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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