Charles Kellogg Field, editor of the Sunset magazine, was reared and educated and has spent all of his mature life in the San Francisco Bay district.  He was born in Montpelier, Vermont, September 18, 1873, a son of Henry K. and Kate L.  (Daniels)  Field.   After coming to California he entered Stanford University,  in its opening year,  and was graduated with the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1895. Following this for some thirteen years he was in the insurance business with the  California  agency of  the  New England Mutual Life Insurance  Company.  Subsequently his associations have been in literary work, covering a period of fifteen years.  In 1908 he became associate editor of the Sunset Magazine, and since January, 1911, has been actively associated with the management and the glowing success of this great periodical of the Pacific Coast.      His published books are “ Fourleaved Clover, Stanford Rhymes”   (1896),    “Stanford Stories” (with Will Irwin)  (1900),  “The Cave Man” (1910), and  “Prayer.”

Mr. Field is an honorary life member of the Bohemian and Commercial clubs of San Francisco and the Phi Beta Kappa,  Sigma Delta Chi and Ram’s Head societies. His civic activities include the vice presidency of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, secretary of Californians, Inc., and chairman of the publicity committee of the Community Chest.



Transcribed by Walt Howe.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" by Bailey Millard Vol. 3 page 251. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Walt Howe


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