San Francisco County








HENRY FERRER, M.D., whose specialty in medicine is the treatment of the eye and ear, and whose office is at No. 16 Geary Street, has been a resident of California since January, 1875, since which time he has practiced continuously in San Francisco. He was born in Santiago de Cuba, in 1850, and is of Spanish and French extraction, his father having been a planter in Cuba of Spanish descent, and his mother descended from a prominent French family. At the age of five years Henry was sent to Europe, where he went through the various grades of the primary, and later the collegiate courses in the government schools of Bordeaux and Paris. In 1868 he entered the University of Heidelberg, and graduated at that institution in 1872, receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine. In Vienna, Paris and London he made a special study of the diseases of the eye and ear, having decided to practice that specialty, and from 1872 until the end of 1874 he practiced in the clinics of the hospitals of the universities of those cities, combining study with practice. In January 1875, Dr. Ferrer came to the United States, settling in California, and since that time has been engaged in the continuous practice of the treatment of the diseases of those organs. Since 1875 he has been the Oculist of the Germany Hospital, and is the Oculist of the Polyclinic of San Francisco. He is a member of the State and county Medical Societies. Dr. Ferrer has lately returned from Europe, where every two or three years he makes a visit to attend the special clinics and study up the improvement of the eye and ear.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 622-623, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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