San Francisco County




W. D. Fenimore, of the California Optical Company, was born in Fremont, Ohio, September 20, 1858.  His remote ancestors were Frenchmen who settled in this country during the colonial period.  Grandfather Fenimore was a participant in the Revolutionary war and served on the staff of General Washington.  The father of our subject, Samuel Fenimore, was a native of New Jersey.  He married Susan L. Dana, of Ohio, by whom he had eight children, six of whom are living.  Of this family W. D. is next to the youngest.

     Mr. Fenimore was educated in Ohio and at Poughkeepsie, New York.  He was for a time employed as a salesman, but since 1879 has been in the jewelry and optical business in Milan, Michigan, and at Fremont, Ohio.  For some years he was connected with the Johnson Optical Company, and came to the Pacific coast as their representative.  He was one of the organizers of and is a stockholder in the California Optical Company; has charge of the practical part of the business, and is recognized as an expert in his line of work.  He is the inventor of several valuable improvements in glasses and in the instruments used in fitting and testing the eyes; makes a specialty of correcting errors in refraction.

     Mr. Fenimore is married and has one son.


Transcribed 12-31-04  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 682, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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