San Francisco County





FAYMONVILLE, BERNARD, Vice President of the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company of San Francisco, California, was born on March 24, 1860, at Bowmanville, Cook County, Illinois (now a part of Chicago). His ancestors came from the Ardennes and the Rhine Provinces, where for many generations they were prominent in the iron mining and smelting industry. His grandfather, Joseph Faymonville, settled in the country which subsequently became Cook County, Illinois, in 1837, when Chicago was still known as Fort Dearborn. He is the son of Tillman J. Faymonville, eldest son of Joseph Faymonville, above referred to, and of Katherine (Fisher) Faymonville.

Mr. Faymonville was married at San Jose, California, on April 19, 1881, to Miss Dora Belle Ries, a descendant of an old Holland Dutch family of Northern New York. Their three children are LeRoy B. (Now deceased), Philip R. And Bernard Faymonville, Jr. The family has resided in San Francisco since March, 1882. During 1865 to 1873 he attended the public schools of his native town, then took a two years’ course in the preparatory school of Professor J. P. Lauth in Chicago.

He entered the employ of a real estate and brokerage firm in the same city in 1875, and for the two following years applied himself to mastering the varied duties and work usual to such offices located in a growing and pushing community.

Broader opportunities and the lure of California drew him to this State in September, 1877. Settling first at Fresno, then a newly established county seat, he secured employment in an abstract and real estate office, and soon acquired on his own account a number of insurance agencies. After several years, by means of perseverance and consolidation, he had built up one of the largest local insurance agencies in Central California, consisting of forty-three companies.

During this period he was also actively interested in promoting the colonization of Fresno County.

The fire insurance profession appealed to him strongly, and realizing that progress and success depended on broader opportunities and a larger field, he accepted on March 1, 1882, the position of Special Agent for the whole Pacific Coast for the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company.

Since that date he has been continuously in the employ of that distinguished corporation, sharing its successes, as well as the reverses which overtook it during the trying times following the great San Francisco disaster. From this it emerged stronger and more powerful than ever, and in a manner that will always reflect the greatest credit on the State of California.

In 1887 Mr. Faymonville was elected Assistant Secretary of the company, and three years later he became its Secretary.

In 1893 he was elected Second Vice President and First Vice President in 1900. This position he now holds. He is Vice President of the Executive Committee of the Board of Underwriters of the Pacific, President of the Underwriters’ Fire Patrol, and President of the Underwriters’ Inspection Bureau.

He has served as Supervisor and as President of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the City of San Francisco.

Mr. Faymonville has contributed various articles on insurance to papers and periodicals devoted to that subject, and also to associations.

He is much interested in club life, being a member of the Pacific Union Club, the Bohemian Club, the Olympic Club, and of the San Francisco Golf and Country Club, and the Presidio Golf Club.

He is also a member of the Country Club of Bear Valley, in Marin County.


Transcribed 11-18-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 123, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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